
To be honest, I can’t remember it ever panning out. There is always someone striking out in the back of the mind. Always a guy hitting .187 in there. Always a guy letting routine ground balls go past. Always a Billy Buckner. Always a Jim Joyce. Always someone’s fault. Let me give you an example. …

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Welcome to United States. Side Effects Include:

Drowsiness, diarrhea, vomiting, dry-mouth, fatigue, dizziness, UFO sightings, stomach pains, circus visions, coma, alcoholism, sudden interest in pop-culture, looking at cups of water,  upper-leg soreness, abdominal pain, potlucks, mild to moderate amnesia, hypertension, belief in immortality, night-visions (including the appearance of mythological/historical characters such as Thor, Richard Pryor, George Washington and the Loch Ness Monster), dehydration, …

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