XN Sports :: Update :: 2.12.13

Tom Fitzgerald and I are entering phase two of SJN, which involves the implementation of statistics, and fantasy projections into the site. Working with us on this project is Arman Rivard.

During this stage we are also reworking the overall template design of the site. The original WordPress template structure was designed by AlienWP. We liked its sparseness and attention to content, so we will begin with its outlook. The re-development and design of the SJN template is being initiated by Nathan Lyle at My Web Maestro, and Kenric Feldspauch.

We will offer a  more text-forward feel, and advanced, up-to-date baseball statistics to our readers in the coming months. In essence, SJN will be a baseball fan’s go-to for current stats, since we will deliver them in a refreshingly minimal way.

Sports Jerks will also provide Accuscore fantasy statistics during the 2013 MLB season.

For information about SJN projects, please use the contact form below.



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