Help Us Make Our First Record

We’re (Laverty-Torres Group) taking another stab at a KickStarter campaign. This time, we’re asking for much less money by cutting out a majority of the costs except for the actual pressing of the vinyl and copying of the cassettes. It goes without saying the album will also come in digital format, so if that’s your vibe, rest assured it’ll be in that format too.

On a weekend in November, we’ll gather at my house in Detroit and spend the time recording a group of movements that we’re reluctant to call jams — they’re more like iterations, or emanations. The evolution of LT Group has brought us to a place where the beginning, middle and end of a song are less prominent than the overall energy and directive of the individual improvisation. It should live and breathe in the basement, and go directly to the record.

There will likely be no vocals, and this is by design. Our aim is to capture a live aesthetic with electric guitar, electric piano, electric bass and drum kit.

Please consider helping us make it happen this time. Last time we raised around $900, and this time we’re asking for just $200 more to make the record a reality.

Click here to go to the campaign page.