It’s great to have inspiration. Sometimes taking pictures of art makes me feel good. I like to look at the pictures afterwards. I see the art I like, and I see the way I took it. It reminds me of the way I feel when i look at art I like. Also, the art doesn’t have any voices or sounds surrounding it, so I can see it clearly.
I listened to the Red Wings today. They lost again. They are losing a lot. I love the Red Wings, but I mostly like listening to the announcers on the radio. They’re two nice little guys named Ken and Paul. I listened to the Wings while driving around Detroit with my camera. Most of what you’ll see on this page is a result of me driving around Detroit, listening to the Tigers/Wings and taking pictures of things in the way that I want people to see them. I’m a starer.
These pictures were taken after a few days of working, driving, and picture-taking. Michael Garguilo is the artist whose art appears here. I won’t presume to talk about it. But I can tell you that I like taking pictures of art that pulls me forward. Michael’s art pushes me towards it, pulls me in. I like salty things. I like contrasty things, I like duckfat butter. I’ll eat veal. I’ll cook a pot of lentils and eat them for a week. I go where I need to go. Michael’s oil and canvas goes where it needs to go.
Canon AE-1 Program, Ilford Delta 3200, fd 1.8