O, Holy Night, Again. (Song)

Place St. Etienne
Across the street from Hostel. Place St. Etienne

You know me, likely.

And you know I’m not an incredibly religious man. I’ve been known to say everything from music to marbles are holy.

Music usually ends up on both sides of the spectrum as it remains the only thing all humans regularly have in common. We all rejoice in it.

I’m not exactly sure what’s being said in this song, as it’s quite well know Christ was born on a certain day in December, but I can definitively tell you that the progression, harmony, melody and dynamic allow for this to be one of the better Christian works in the last hundred years.

I say, “hundred years” because in all honesty, music was better until somewhere around the turn of the 19th/20th century (fodder for another convo).

I say “Christian” because that is as close as Christians can come to it. It’s like Mohandas Gandhi said, “Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

Said — this embodies all that is spiritualism, or any type of devotion. At its best. The song inclusive in itself. Not even the steady hand of Mother Earth can tame the depth of this composition.

I enjoy singing it, because I’m a selfish human being, and that is my job — to sing and not be afraid.

Though, I do not know what I am saying, I say it, because it feels powerful, to me.

Here’s the link to hear my version of “Oh Holy Night.”



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